CABMR 2023
9-9 Mar 2023 Paris (France)

Call for Papers


The focus of this  colloquium is to discuss the interdisciplinary crossroad of resilience and cybersecurity. 

Prospective authors are encouraged to submit previously unpublished contributions related to resilience and/or cybersecurity at its different levels of individual, team/group, organisations, projects, societies, etc. and within its different aspects and contexts; including but not limited to COVID-19 impact, social unrests, natural disasters, wartime, financial recession, disruptive technologies, etc.

Studies that demonstrate how different mechanisms interact would be of particular interest, as would papers examining the antecedents and consequences of multiple mechanisms.  

The submissions can focus on any related topic and are open to all types of research methods. Academic researchers, professionals,  practitioners and students are all welcomed to participate in this event.

Communication proposals are to be submitted via the present platform in the form of an abstract of 1 to 2 pages written in English; in which the problematic, the methodology and the expected results are highlighted.

The deadline for submission is on 5/02/2023. Decision of acceptance or refusal of the proposals will be finalized by 13/02/2023.

All contributions and communications presented during this colloquium may later be published in CABMR 2023 Conference Proceedings.

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